Tag: Covid-19

  • Updates

    It admittedly has now been several weeks since my last update – all thanks to an overly busy work schedule, ongoing life scheduling, and challenges with our new home and relocation. Work continues to be crazy, with the overall new support contract and migration of the client’s environment. This was scheduled to be completed at…

  • Gencon

    Sadly, thanks to ongoing Covid concerns, Gencon has announced the cancellation of the 2020 convention. Although this no longer directly impacts our local gaming group (we had previously cancelled), I am sure this is disappointing for many who had still held out hope. No doubt it will be a major impact to the Indianapolis tourist…

  • Gencon 2020

    With regret, we ended up cancelling our group plans for Gencon 2020 this year, thanks to ongoing concerns over Covid. Although the state of Indiana and the Gencon organization has not officially cancelled the event, we felt it was prudent to make alternate plans. Best case projects are aiming for a mid-May “restart” to various…

  • Overloaded editing

    So realizing at this point that trying to fit in a second Age of Ashes session, and include the content in my usual editing sequence, was a mistake. This is also a good indication that any thoughts of publishing two campaigns at the same time should likely be squashed as well. It doesn’t help that…

  • Vacation time

    Well before this Covid-19 pandemic, this weekend was scheduled to be a bit of a break from work. The wife and older son were going to be in Florida at Disney, and my younger son had our own plans. I had planned for next week to be a vacation from work, to get several projects…

  • Chapter 2, Episode 3 – Covid

    With our latest session of Age of Ashes, we adjusted to our Covid-19 process – meaning we suspended the face to face session, in favor of an online format using Fantasy Grounds Unity and Discord. Despite the large group of 10 players, the tools worked rather well – we were successful in holding a regular…

  • Movie Night

    With the excitement of Covid, I am working to provide a small distraction, and decided to start streaming movies thru Discord each night. The Discord instance is open for anyone who cares to join in, though I make no claims about the age-appropriateness of any movies. Each day, I will post the planned movie for…

  • Covid-19

    As the Coronavirus continues to demolish the economy and most social interaction, I am working to proactively protect our hobby and gaming efforts. To this end, although we have not yet stopped our current live games, I am putting together processes to migrate to an online format. Fortunately these days, online RPG tools are abundant…