Tag: Empire

  • Legion Battle 077 – Tempest Force vs Bright Tree

    Legion Battle 077 – Tempest Force vs Bright Tree

    This week we have a fairly short battle between a Tempest Force battle force against the Ewoks of Bright Tree. Carter is playing the Empire, with George playing the Rebels. Both battle forces are new for our group, this is the first time either composition has been used. For Tempest Force, it is really just…

  • Inquisitors – Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister

    Inquisitors – Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister

    The latest expansion to the Star Wars Legion game came out on Friday, with the Inquisitors, Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister. As is typical, I acquired a set of the models, and set about prepping them for use in our games. Fortunately, both figures have a fairly basic paint scheme, so this did not really…

  • Legion Episode 073

    Legion Episode 073

    Our latest battle report is currently processing in the YouTube engine and should be available later this morning for all Supporters (or Friday for everyone else). If you care to support our efforts, consider Joining on YouTube for early access and a few other perks. This one brings us to 73 battle reports in the…

  • Star Wars Legion (069) – Empire vs Separatist

    Star Wars Legion (069) – Empire vs Separatist

    Our latest episode and battle report, a battle between the Empire and the Separatists, featuring the new Geonosian models. This is the first of several video experimenting with some new camera and presentation layouts – based on feedback a relatively unsuccessful test. Thad plays the Separatists against my Empire force, and the battle ended up…

  • Legion episodes

    Legion episodes

    With the websites now stable again after all the updates, I have been able to refocus in our on our ongoing Legion content. After the conclusion of our house tournament, we switched over to a slightly different format, and started live streaming our battles. Participation has been reasonable, though low, which is to be expected,…

  • Star Wars Legion 048

    Battle 48 is posting this Friday, kicking off our Battle for the Golden Vader tournament. Eight players in our group, competing in a double-elimination tournament, for the bragging rights and ownership of a traveling trophy. We are looking for viewer feedback specifically to help resolve ties. Instead of the usual mechanic of going to points,…

  • Legion Mega-Battle conclusion

    The conclusion of our Star Wars Legion 1600 pt mega-battle is now live, with the final three turns of the match. If you haven’t had the chance to view the prior half, that one is obviously available still as well. The battle was a tough fight, and a long recording session, stretching into 11 hours…

  • Legion Episode 043

    The next of our ongoing Legion battles – this time sees my return to my Separatist army, with Count Dooku and Cad Bane leading the forces. I am playing against the Empire, running General Veers and Commander Krennic, and four full squads of Death Troopers. Mission selection is Intercept the Transmissions, in a Long March…