Tag: Empire

  • Separatist Army

    As posted before, I ended up being inspired to paint up my Separatist Army for the Star Wars: Legion game. After spending time generating and deciding on a 800 pt list, I acquired the necessary models, assembled, primed and ultimately painted the entire set. Fortunately, droids are fairly straightforward, total time was less than 2…

  • Legion – Stormtroopers

    Continuing the Star Wars Legion theme, I have the first of several future Stormtroopers, assembled and painted by my son and newest adept. He has done some painting here and there over the last couple of years, but only recently has really had a lot of desire. With our current home transition, I opted to…

  • Armada

    Managed to enjoy a game of Star Wars: Armada this weekend, introducing a couple of new players to the game. The fleets were fairly basic – I intentionally limited the number of upgrade cards to make it easier to absorb. However, this lead to quite a few ships on the field, since less upgrades certainly…

  • Star Wars: Legion

    Small resurgence of Star Wars recently, first with X-Wing, and now with the opportunity to play some Legion. The terrain was rather limited (not sure where my hills and trees are, or if I still have them), but the game mat and the 3d-printed Turbolaser tower worked well, along with the game’s included barricades. As…

  • Star Wars: X-Wing

    It has been a long time, but we finally had an opportunity to jump back into the cockpit and play some more X-Wing second edition this last Sunday. Joining us for the game where my sons, George and Ben, and their friends Carter and Craig. With five players, I quickly whipped up some multiplayer rules…