Tag: Extinction Curse

  • Kingmaker campaign

    Kingmaker campaign

    Since we wrapped up the Extinction Curse and the Carrion Crown campaigns, our group has been eager to know what the next story is. At this point, I am looking to run the full Kingmaker campaign as the next major adventure. This is one that we attempted a long time ago, but only ran the…

  • Fall Schedule

    You may have noticed a drop off in content recently, which seems to be an annual occurrence. Each fall, around October and November, life becomes rather busy with sports, band, and other family activities, and our ability to schedule gaming sessions drops off. I have also taken on some new roles with work, which are…

  • Extinction Curse Completed

    In my long gaming hobby, spanning 40+ years, I have very rarely finished a campaign. Certainly campaigns have ended, but almost all either die off due to lost motivation, changing interests, schedule conflicts, etc, or just fade away over time. After this weekend, I can say I have fully completed 2 full campaigns, start to…

  • Extinction Curse Conclusion (almost)

    This last Sunday was scheduled to be our final episode of the Extinction Curse campaign, with the final big climax battle against the Xulgaths. The game happened (video coming Friday), but the battle ran longer than expected. Thus far, we are 9 rounds in, and the big bad evil guy is still fighting strong. This…

  • Extinction Curse Rewards

    Our long running Pathfinder 2e campaign is just about to wrap up, we have perhaps 1 more session before the final big climax battle. This group was formed way back in 2021, and the group has steadily worked their way thru the storyline. Some characters have been lost, but a few are still the originals…

  • RPG Content growth

    Although we have had a bit of disruption in our RPG content over the month of May, mainly due to multiple scheduling conflicts, the channel continues to grow. Definitely not fast, never really expected it to, but slow and steady. Looking back at our older videos, even from early this year or last year, we…

  • Extinction Curse 6.06

    Our ongoing Pathfinder 2e campaign for the Extinction Curse campaign is nearing the conclusion with episode 6 of The Apocalypse Prophet. The group continues their exploration of the Vale of Aroden, attempting (and succeeding) to complete all of the Trials. In the process, the enemy has become aware of their actions, and sends a war-party…

  • Extinction Curse, Episode 5.14

    Posted this morning is the latest episode of our Extinction Curse campaign, with the climactic battle between the group and the Mummy Lord Dyzallen. This was particularly challenging, since the Cleric of the group has somehow gone to the dark side, and joined the enemy, working against the group in the last couple of encounters.…