Tag: Fantasy Grounds

  • Raspberry Pi and Docker

    Over the years, I have played with and experimented with Virtual Machines in various forms, typically to run Ubuntu or Windows based systems. These were used for either game servers, web servers, file systems, or just for basic experimentation. Currently, I am running one which holds my Home Assistant instance, on an old Windows laptop,…

  • Gaming space

    In preparation for a game George is hoping to host this weekend, we moved forward with setting up the gaming space and table to take advantage of the first wave of ideas. In particular, we wanted to use the massive table, along with a flat screen to display Fantasy Grounds and the virtual tabletop. This…

  • Gaming space

    With our new house, I had grand plans for our new gaming space, as a place to both play my various games and entertain our rather large groups. Part of this is an enhanced and digital table, to streamline maps and terrain for RPGs. I have the giant table, and opted this week to do…

  • Warhammer FRP

    As of this coming Friday, we are launching a new RPG session, starting a campaign set in the Warhammer FRP 4e setting and rule set. I have been a fan of this game since the first edition, and have played most of the strategy and computer games, but there hasn’t been a group interested and…

  • Virtual Tabletop

    As I have posted, we have been attempting to continue our ongoing gaming efforts remotely, so that we don’t have to cancel the campaigns. For this effort, we have been using Fantasy Grounds, which as a product has worked very well. The software is stable, and the features continue to be enhanced (we are using…

  • Pathfinder – Age of Ashes

    I havent posted anything regarding our Age of Ashes campaign in a while, since we discontinued the video efforts for the storyline. This campaign continues on pace, with our bi-weekly games, and we continue to use Fantasy Grounds Classic for the sessions. Just recently, the group wrapped up Chapter 2 successfully, and we quickly moved…

  • Age of Ashes, Chapter 2, Episode 5

    Episode 5 of the 2nd Chapter (Cult of Cinders) of our Age of Ashes campaign is being released now on YouTube. If you are a supporter on Patreon, you can view the content up to two weeks early. Otherwise, the content will be released in pieces over the next couple of weeks. This particular session…

  • RPG sessions

    Yesterday was our latest RPG session, continuing our use of Fantasy Grounds for a virtual tabletop. Of note, this was the second session after switching back to Fantasy Grounds Classic on Friday (following several performance issues with Unity). Fortunately, the software was much more stable, and at least from my view, more responsive. Unfortunately, the…