Tag: Gaming
Armada Wave 6
Today is release day for Wave 6 for Star Wars Armada, so heading to the gaming store to grab a set with my son. Also going to pick up his lottery winnings at the same store, an unknown prize of Magic The Gathering goodies. For us, the local gaming store is Epic Loot in Springfield,…
Rise of the Runelords, Chapter 3, Part 5
Managed to finished editing the video for the last game session a day or two before the next scheduled game, and uploaded it on Friday. Overall, audio and video is still decent, though I am struggling with one of the players who talks very softly. As a result, I had them move for this last…
Warhammer FRP
Although we haven’t played in quite a while, we are resuming our alternate gaming group this coming Sunday, and starting/continuing a campaign based on the Warhammer FRP game (second edition version). This is not the Pathfinder Rise of the Runelords group, but actually my original group of far more experienced players. Its been a few…
Rise of the Runelords, Chapter 3, Part 4
Its taken quite a bit, but I finally managed to edit and finish the game video from our last session. During this game, the group continues to explore Fort Rannick, searching for the leader of the ogres, in an attempt to defeat the brutes. All the while, they are trying to avoid major conflict and…
Star Wars Armada – Fleet Ambush
Finished the video for the latest Armada game, with a bit of scheduling difficulty. 500 points of Rebel vs Empire in a Fleet Ambush mission (Rebel’s being ambushed). Video is up on YouTube already. As before, if you like the video, please click Like. And if you are interested in more, please click that Subscribe…