Tag: Han Solo

  • Legion Battle Report 085

    Legion Battle Report 085

    Our latest battle report is uploading and processing on YouTube currently, available immediately for members, or on Friday for everyone as normal. This was a step back for our group, a chance to help one of our players really learn the tricks and tactics of their chosen faction. Andy is one of our friendlier players…

  • Star Wars: Legion

    Small resurgence of Star Wars recently, first with X-Wing, and now with the opportunity to play some Legion. The terrain was rather limited (not sure where my hills and trees are, or if I still have them), but the game mat and the 3d-printed Turbolaser tower worked well, along with the game’s included barricades. As…

  • Your all clear, kid!

    Continuing my collection of the initial releases of the X-Wing Second edition starships, and added the Millenium Falcon (Lando version).  Initially, I was not excited about the model – the addition of the escape pod in the front just doesn’t seem right and makes the ship look weird.  But after digging a bit, I discovered…