Tag: House Rules

  • Warmaster is dead, back to Warhammer

    Warmaster is dead, back to Warhammer

    If you have been following our long-term Warhammer FRP campaign, the Enemy Within, then you will know that quite a while ago we converted the combat system over to Rolemaster mechanics, in attempt to add more detail, granularity and grittiness to the game. We have now made the decision to reverse that direction and have…

  • Warmaster Updates

    Warmaster Updates

    Spent a bit of time updating and adding a bunch of content to our custom Warhammer/Rolemaster fantasy mechanics, used for our existing Enemy Within campaign. The game has been going strong now for several years, despite originally thinking it would only last a few months. As a result, the details have evolved quite a bit…

  • Recording Discipline

    I expect it is a common issue for gaming groups, but with our Legion games, we have become rather competitive. Adding this to the large group that we have, and more than a few passionate players, can lead to a rather heated session. Since we publish our games, it adds in the complexity of having…

  • Mega-Battle adjustments

    In my video prep for our upcoming 1600 point 2v2 Legion battle, I mocked up a graphic summarizing the various rules and adjustments. Basic premise is that each army is independent, but allied. Enemies are shared, but your respective abilities can only affect your own specific forces. If you have any thoughts, let me know…

  • Adjusted gaming group guidelines

    For those who have followed for a time, my primary group these days is a rather overcrowded group of up to 10 players. This has been good and bad in many ways, but is a natural extension of our gaming style, rarely turning away players, and wanting to create a new group several years ago.…

  • Pathfinder, creating a magic item inventory

    During our ongoing Pathfinder campaign, with the large 10 player group, we encountered a challenge.  The group, having advanced a bit in levels, and acquired a bit of treasure, entered the city of Magnimar.  Very soon, the thought became “what can we spend out money on?”  For an experienced group, not a big deal, everyone…

  • Regarding Invisibility

    In the many years that I have played RPG and other games, one of the most difficult to balance and implement, without making it either too powerful or too weak for either the player group or the NPCs, has always been Invisibility.  Each game has its own definitions of how to implement, how to use,…