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Tag: Live-Play
The Enemy Within (Warhammer FRP) 5.45
Our group leaves the protection of the Kardzburger military picket line, and ventures into the valley leading to the Brass Keep in an effort to find out what is happening. They are met by strange fogs and mists, the sounds of distant battle, and large packs of Skaven intent on harm.
The Enemy Within (Warhammer FRP) 5.44
Our group finally reaches the military picket line, protecting the realm from the chaotic forces of the Brass Keep, but are rather concerned about the state of affairs. Although the leadership accepts their presence, the group is restricted to the camp, and forbidden from exploration beyond the lines, leading to some investigation within the camps.…
The Enemy Within (Warhammer FRP) 5.41
Our current chapter of the Enemy Within campaign has continued on a for a very long time – primarily due to our short session length. Since we get together every week, we are just about at a full year in the current chapter. Fortunately, most of the action has moved past the city intrigue and…
Live-play upgrade
For quite some time now, as part of our Live-play sessions, we have had a collection of old laptops for the players to interact with the game and Foundry – look up rules, move their character, roll dice, etc. In support of that, I bought a set of the cheapest wireless mice I could find,…
Pirates of Drinax, Episode 2
As we shift into a more routine summer schedule, our various live-play roleplaying sessions are starting to settle down on schedule. We were able to fit in the second session of our Pirates of Drinax campaign, our home-grown Franken-system of Shadowrun and Traveller, with the group continuing their exploration of the Trojan Reach. Having ventured…
Age of Ashes, Chapter 2, Episode 3
Episode 3 of the 2nd Chapter (Cult of Cinders) of our Age of Ashes campaign is being released now on YouTube. If you are a supporter on Patreon, you can view the content up to two weeks early. Otherwise, the content will be released in pieces over the next couple of weeks. If you are…
Age of Ashes, Chapter 2, Episode 2
Episode 2 of the 2nd Chapter (Cult of Cinders) of our Age of Ashes campaign is being released now on YouTube. If you are a supporter on Patreon, you can view the content up to two weeks early. Otherwise, the content will be released in pieces over the next couple of weeks. If you are…
Age of Ashes, Chapter 2, Episode 1
Episode 1 of the 2nd Chapter (Cult of Cinders) of our Age of Ashes campaign is being released now on YouTube. If you are a supporter on Patreon, you can view the content up to two weeks early. Otherwise, the content will be released in pieces over the next couple of weeks. If you are…