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Tag: Live Play
The Enemy Within (Warhammer FRP) 5.46
Our group is deep in the mountain pass, on the trail to the Brass keep, dealing with mysterious plague fogs and Skaven warbands. Discovering a shrine to Nurgle, they face another warband of the Skaven, before many secrets begin to be revealed. As the situation takes a turn for the worse, sacrifices are required from…
Kingmaker (Pathfinder 2e) 3.08
Following the devastating losses from the prior session, our group rebuilds and regroups at their capital, before setting forth into the wilderness again. A new location is scouted, and the group begins to explore, only to discover it is protected by a supernaturally fast fey creature, intent on protecting its possessions.
Kingmaker (Pathfinder 2e) 3-07
Our latest Kingmaker session sees the group turning their attention to the west, and the growing Troll threat. For the past several months of storyline, Trolls have been raiding outlying regions, killing and disrupting the fledgling kingdom. Our heroes opted to ignore the problem, and spent quite a bit of time to the east, surveying…
Kingdom Phase
As part of our ongoing Pathfinder Kingmaker campaign, I have been making an effort to use fully the including meta-game Kingdom rules. These thus far have proven problematic at best, though I understand the intent. I feel strongly though that with this campaign, we want to experience all the subsystems, which hopefully will have a…
The Enemy Within 5.43
Our group continues the battle against the mountain trolls late at night on the cliffs, with some unexpected results. Tending their injuries, they move on, eventually reaching the isolated prison of Hope’s Square. With a bit of acting and diplomacy, the guards provide shelter, warmth, and some supplies, while the group grows curious about the…
Kingmaker 3.06
Our group continues the fight in the ancient barrow, seeking to reclaim the flaming sword for their use against the new Troll threat. Meanwhile, events at their capital continue to escalate, though the city starts to grow (and we continue to try to understand and adapt to the Kingdom mechanics). Much of the eastern lands…
The Enemy Within (Warhammer FRP) 5.42
Our group, fresh from the defeat of the gryphon, returns to Gladbeich to rest and recover. Gaining the thanks of the village, they hear of recent news and rumors related to their destination, as long as the path required. A reward is granted to the Wolfkin for his bravery, and the group travels to the…
Limits of our recording capability
A few days ago, I posted a challenge, to find out what ideas there was to revise and upgrade our live-gaming audio capabilities. Although I didn’t receive any feedback or suggestions, I dove into the challenge myself. My theory, a series of cheap microphones, connected via 3.5mm audio cables, and split out into multiple mono…