Tag: Mastodon

  • ActivityPub update

    ActivityPub update

    My thanks to @kenSwinson for their help and troubleshooting with ActivityPub integration into WordPress (visit their website at https://www.kenswinson.com/). Although I thought it was a simple matter of loading a plugin, it turned out to be a little bit more complex. Technical process really is that simple – just load the plugin and configure. However,…

  • ActivityPub testing

    Trying to troubleshoot our new ActivityPub addon, which supposedly posts WordPress to Mastodon, and Mastodon replies back to WordPress. The first part is working fine, Mastodon is receiving the postings, but I can’t seem to puzzle out how to get the responses. Functionally, I think it is my own misunderstanding – I expect the software…

  • Mastodon Federation

    Utilizing the ActivityPub addon for WordPress, my website is now officially federated directly. This means several things: This should be a bit cleaner, and hopefully still just as functional. If you have interest and willingness to follow the website, feel free to look us up at (Halfling13@www.halfling13.com) and join in the conversation. Although I may…

  • More tweaks

    More tweaks

    Continued to work on the website and mastodon server but managed some breakthroughs late last week. My challenge was self-hosting both sites, but from a single internal internet connection. This is much more challenging than it would appear, since there are two such services and only a single connection. The solution, after a bit of…

  • Dust settling

    At this point, I believe the new template and construction should be done, I am rather liking the new look for the site. I spent a lot of time yesterday consolidating and eliminating outdated material, and re-organizing the menu of topics around my various activities. Hopefully this is helpful to find what you might be…

  • Updates

    Its been a while since I posted here, mainly due to the numerous channels I have been using recently. The YouTube content is steadily growing, which is very encouraging, and I have been posting most of my updates there in the YouTube Community sections (YouTube Community). Since the video content has been my focus recently,…

  • Mastodon

    Working on moving my social media presence over to a more consolidated Social Networking presence. To this end, I am discontinuing Facebook and Instagram as of January 1, and I have already dropped Twitter (recently) and Twitch (several months ago). In their place, I am embracing Mastodon as my main focus, along with the existing…