Tag: Mordheim

  • Mordheim #004 – Skaven vs Orc Mob

    First of our recent recording sessions is a Treasure Hunt between Craig’s Skaven and my Orc Mob warbands. I entered the battle with a disadvantage in unit numbers, and the animosity of the goblins really hurt the tactics, but both sides had fun in the end. Neither band really suffered major losses, and several significant…

  • Mordheim 003 – Carnival of Chaos vs Bretonnia

    Mordheim 003 – Carnival of Chaos vs Bretonnia

    This was a rather short battle between the two warbands, heavily favoring one side due to the mission conditions. However, as is normal in Mordheim, it isn’t the victory in the battle that makes the difference, but how much your warband can gain during and after the fight.

  • Wargaming Schedule

    We have been having challenges with our wargaming schedule, with challenges finding time to play. As a result, our Legion and Bolt Action content has suffered a bit. Mordheim seems to be much of the focus currently, and I finally have a format that I have settled on, which should make the content a bit…

  • Mordheim Battle Report

    Mordheim Battle Report

    It isn’t a Star Wars Legion or Bolt Action report, but it is a battle report – fresh from the ruins of Mordheim. The Carnival of Chaos takes on the Skaven swarm in a Skirmish battle. Both sides fought hard, with quite a few casualties on both sides, before victory was determined. Mordheim is nice…

  • Wargame content update

    Wargame content update

    Regular followers may have noticed a significant drop off in the amount of wargaming content I have been posting, especially in the Legion arena. This is not due to a lack of interest – I have lots of models, terrain, and motivation. Unfortunately however, all these games require at least one other player, and availability…

  • Mordheim tabletop battles have begun

    Mordheim tabletop battles have begun

    At long last, we officially kicked off our Mordheim efforts, revisiting a game that hasn’t seen action in 25 years. Mordheim was published by Games Workshop back near 2000, and very popular with our group, but went out of print after a few years. Recently, there has been a surge of interest, and with the…

  • More Cosmetics

    More Cosmetics

    Another round of cosmetic changes to the site, I was still not satified with the prior layout. This is now using the standard “2024” template that comes with WordPress, and my ability to learn/adapt to the new Block-styling format is improving. If you notice anything that looks strange, let me know, it might be stable…

  • YouTube milestone

    Within the last couple of days, we have hit yet another milestone, and reached 600 subscribers on our Tabletop channel. For YouTube, this is a small audience, but for our little hobby project, this is massive. My thanks and appreciation to everyone who has subscribed, and especially to our regulars who comment and provide feedback.…