Tag: OBS

  • Limits of our recording capability

    A few days ago, I posted a challenge, to find out what ideas there was to revise and upgrade our live-gaming audio capabilities. Although I didn’t receive any feedback or suggestions, I dove into the challenge myself. My theory, a series of cheap microphones, connected via 3.5mm audio cables, and split out into multiple mono…

  • OBS Studio and Discord

    For quite some time now, I have been streaming and recording our sessions and activities with OBS Studio. It makes it very easy to consolidate and pre-configure a great many things, and it is very compatible with my Zoom H6 audio recorder I use to capture all the audio. However, sometimes it is necessary to…

  • How to live stream your game – Audio

    If you watch many tutorials on video creation, one of the primary lessons you learn quickly is that audio makes or breaks your production. Low quality video is troublesome, but generally doesn’t chase away viewers (unless its really annoying). Low quality audio however rapidly chases them away. It is very easy to forgive poor lighting,…

  • How to live stream your game – gear, software and equipment

    The first part of any streaming setup is of course the gear and software necessary for the production and collection of footage and audio, and a means to broadcast or record. My philosophy, both due to budget limitations and practicality, has always been to do as much as possible with as little as possible. Many…

  • How to live stream your game – intro

    Going to be spending several upcoming posts on the subject of live-streaming. Specifically focused on my lessons learned and efforts around live streaming our RPG sessions, but honestly it can be applied to a great many different options. I am by no means an expert, but thru trial and error and many YouTube videos, I…

  • Audio challenge

    So the problem I have been trying to solve with our live streams is the ability to reliably include Discord in the recording and broadcast, and maintain the overall quality. This sounds easy, but has been a riddle for many weeks. Most likely I am just not understanding how the pieces go together. For our…

  • Live streaming

    With our new campaign, we will be trying a new format on the gaming video archives, and attempting to live stream the various games. This has some advantages – not only is the content available immediately, but we can also conceivable interact with any audience. In addition, a major benefit is that I don’t need…

  • Fantasy Grounds

    As part of our upcoming Age of Ashes campaign, we are going to try to add some virtual tabletop options, specifically the Fantasy Grounds tool. For those players with a laptop available, I will be asking them to install the client version, to be able to (hopefully) connect reliably to a GM session on my…