Tag: Painting

  • Legion Painting – Imperial Bunker Console

    Legion Painting – Imperial Bunker Console

    In preparation for our upcoming double-feature of Star Wars Legion, I finished up the Imperial Bunker set, specifically the interior command console. The details on this turned out pretty good in my mind, though it does highlight the very basic paint job of the bunker itself. Click the image for a full resolution view. Unfortunately,…

  • Terrain Painting – Crashed X-Wing

    Terrain Painting – Crashed X-Wing

    My second set of recently painted terrain is the Crashed X-Wing set, a more recent release. The model was painted similarly, with hand-painting on the X-Wing and R2 droid using base paints, then highlighted with contrasts. My home made dark wash ties all the pieces together again, working well for the size of the model.…

  • Terrain painting

    Terrain painting

    Haven’t posted in a few days, thanks to a busy work schedule, editing schedule, and US holidays. With our most recent battle report, we managed to show off our recently painted terrain – I have been spending some evenings catching up on the old sets and pieces so that we can actually use them in…

  • Inquisitors – Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister

    Inquisitors – Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister

    The latest expansion to the Star Wars Legion game came out on Friday, with the Inquisitors, Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister. As is typical, I acquired a set of the models, and set about prepping them for use in our games. Fortunately, both figures have a fairly basic paint scheme, so this did not really…

  • Geonosians


    Last Friday, the new Geonosian expansions for Star Wars Legion were released, and as a challenge, the family inspired me to acquire and paint the figures before the end of the weekend. Challenge accepted, the painting wasn’t really that difficult, though I admittedly cut several corners. The harder part was assembly, the models are multiple…

  • Dagobah

    As we expand our Star Wars Legion games, and look into a few other game systems, I got inspired to create a swamp terrain board. This was heavily inspired by Black Magic Craft on YouTube, in which a similar technique is used to make roads. In my case, I reversed the negative space, and instead…

  • Sabine Wren

    Featured in a recent battle report recording, Sabine Wren enters the battle for the Rebellion with her colorful armor and decorations. This is an older model that I held off on due to the extra decorations – a rather intimidating pattern. However, once I had actually started, I didn’t end up finding it particularly hard…

  • Ahsoka Tano (Fulcrum)

    This was supposed to be auto-posted on the 15th, but apparently was missed. The most recent release for Star Wars Legion was the Fulcrum edition of Ahsoka Tano. Initially my plan was to paint her up the same weekend, but as usual various other challenges got in the way. We were planning on a battle…