Tag: Painting
Legion success
Last week, as a filler, we ended up running a Star Wars: Legion game, which I ended up recording and then posting to YouTube. This apparently has been much more successful than our otherwise regular long-format RPG storylines. Which is fine, and not unexpected given recent trends. As such, I am looking to expand this…
Game Session Props
An idea I have been toying with for some time has been the option to raffle away some of the miscellaneous props and figures from our gaming sessions. We also have ideas for more, and there is only so much storage space, so rather than having them gather dust, perhaps someone else can benefit. The…
The Promethean
It appears that the final piece of Chapter 2 of the Carrion Crown will be wrapping up this weekend, as the group faces off against the Promethean. This chapter has been a bit heavier on the roleplay and investigation, so it is finally time for a full drag-out fight. Of course, it happens to be…
Purple Worms
A set of figures I had printed and ready to go a while ago finally got some game time with the presentation of my Purple Worms. Obviously, these are non-standard representations, and the coloration is a bit different, but they were still almost immediately recognizable by the group. The coloration is based off the current…
Without touching any of the usual mummy-related jokes, I present the most recent foe the Carrion Crown group encountered. This ancient corpse was hiding in one of two sarcophagi, waiting for the group to engage and be distracted, before emerging to attack. Unfortunately, the group was more than capable and quickly dispatched the creature –…