Tag: Painting

  • Miniature Monday – Clorehaven Barn

    Doubt I will be able to maintain it, but going to try to prepare and display terrain and miniatures on a regular schedule, tentatively on Mondays. In concept, these will include a timelapse of the printing process, along with at least a final painting of the figure, terrain piece, or assembly. Again, I expect I…

  • Zenithal Highlighting

    I am no stranger to miniature and terrain painting, but admittedly my technique is fairly traditional (and likely outdated). With my recent acquisition of an airbrush, I am trying to learn and take advantage of the new processes – hopefully to streamline and improve my painting. Basically, my current process is paint a primer, and…

  • Building the Barn

    After my successful long print of the Watchtower, my second big project has been the Clorehaven Barn. Similar in design and theme, this is being printed as several long pieces as well – some of the job tasks running 36+ hours. So far, it has been successful – I am done with the majority and…

  • Airbrushing

    I finally decided to dive further into the painting hobby, and have ordered an Airbrush kit, to be delivered this week. Airbrushing, specifically for hobby gaming and painting, has been a casual interest of mine over the years, but was always intimidating. I am much more of a traditionalist, with brushes doing drybrushing and washes.…

  • Episode 12 title slide

    Continuing my diorama style thumbnails for the Age of Ashes episodes, highlight some of the terrain and painted figures. Planning on adding a few of the group’s painting efforts, once I can hold on to them post game, but for now it is rather basic. This does however give me the opportunity to continue my…

  • Wookiee Painting

    Been spending time painting the recently acquired squad of wookies, including Chewbacca. It is rather entertaining, trying to come up with unique styles and patterns for each piece, while still maintaining continuity. Not really sold yet on the blonde wookie – I may have chosen a bit too much yellow in the color. Hopefully this…

  • Miscellaneous plans

    Going to be a busy next couple of weeks, as I prepare for our upcoming Magic: The Gathering tournament.  I still have to finish up the last pieces of the trophy I have been working on, in between what seems to be nearly constant rain.  In addition, my trips to Toledo are more numerous, limiting…

  • The paint rack (partial)

    First half of the paint rack project is together, consisting of 3 printed sections.  Obviously still need to sort an organize the colors themselves, but wanted to collect what I have so far together.  I am still working on the rest of the stands, and likely will need a lift of some sort for the…