Tag: Pathfinder 2

  • Age of Ashes – The Cast

    Characters are created, and the adventure has begun. The overall mix of options has been interesting – my initial concern was a bit of repetition the character process, but all characters are unique and different. Additional adventures may have challenges, but for now, there are more than enough choices. I will provide more detail, once…

  • Ages of Ashes has begun

    Our first session of Age of Ashes for Pathfinder second edition started on Sunday, and was a mixed success. The game itself was good – everyone seems to have adapted to the new rules and mechanics fairly well, and the story thus far has everyone engaged. The challenge was mainly with my juggling of the…

  • Fantasy Grounds

    As part of our upcoming Age of Ashes campaign, we are going to try to add some virtual tabletop options, specifically the Fantasy Grounds tool. For those players with a laptop available, I will be asking them to install the client version, to be able to (hopefully) connect reliably to a GM session on my…

  • Gencon 2019

    Gencon 2019 convention is starting tomorrow, and for the first time, my son and I are attending the entire 4 day event. In previous years, we have gone on the Sunday Family Day, but last year there was simply no way to see and experience everything. With some planning since December, we decided to do…

  • Age of Ashes

    For our upcoming Pathfinder 2 campaign, we are going to be running the soon-to-be-published Age of Ashes campaign from Paizo. With this campaign, I am going to make the attempt to restart my video logs of the game sessions, and hopefully improve the end result a bit from various lessons I have learned from previous…