Tag: Pathfinder 2e

  • Extinction Curse

    A very solid start to our second major campaign, Extinction Curse. Though one player was missing, they will be joining us for the next game. In the meantime, the new group became acquainted with each other, and the business of running a circus. I had my concerns over the dryness of the circus itself, but…

  • Extinction Curse

    This Sunday sees the start of our new Extinction Curse campaign, for our second RPG group. Previously, the group has been learning the game with the Fall of Plaguestone adventure – it is now time for them to dive into a full long-term campaign. Thus far, I am only aware of a couple of the…

  • Pathbuilder 2e

    A shout-out to a particularly good Android app for Pathfinder 2e character creation, management, and printing – the Pathbuilder 2e app. With our numerous games, and a number of changes to get adjusted to, this tool has turned out to be invaluable. It does unfortunately only run on Android (no Windows, Mac, or iOS versions),…

  • Age of Ashes, Episode 13

    Episode 13 of our Age of Ashes campaign is being released now on YouTube. If you are a supporter on Patreon, you gain early access, otherwise as usual the content will be released in pieces over the next couple of weeks. If you are not a supporter, but find some entertainment in my content, please…

  • Plaguestone has fallen

    For our second campaign group, we have been running thru the Fall of Plaguestone adventure, as an introduction to the Pathfinder 2e ruleset and basic training for the group. Most of the group is new to RPGs, and everyone is new to 2nd edition. For the most part, the adventure has gone well – the…

  • Torch Lights

    Side project I have been working on is a clear marker for who is holding the light in RPG groups. Commonly, we have found that we forget about light, and have difficulty with the group remembering where the light is, during a game session. Sometimes this isn’t important, but many times it can play a…

  • End of Hellknight Hill

    13 gaming sessions in, and we have just wrapped up the first chapter of the Age of Ashes. Part of the challenge is of course the overly large group of 10 players, as well as adapting and learning the 2nd edition rules of Pathfinder. With an average of 2 hours of actual “content” each session,…

  • Age of Ashes, Episode 12

    Episode 12 of our Age of Ashes campaign is being released now on YouTube. If you are a supporter on Patreon, you gain early access, otherwise as usual the content will be released in pieces over the next couple of weeks. If you are not a supporter, but find some entertainment in my content, please…