Tag: Pathfinder 2e

  • Big Norm

    A side benefit of using customized STL files for miniatures – I can have some fun with them and print oversized options. In particular, our first character, Norm, I re-printed as a 300% collectible statue for my son. This takes advantage of the detail of the model, and gave me a chance to try out…

  • Fall of Plaguestone update

    In our second ongoing group, we are continuing the Fall of Plaguestone adventure, as an introduction and teaching opportunity for the new players. This has been running now for several sessions, though I am not documenting it at the level of our Age of Ashes campaign. Admittedly, most of the adventure started slow – between…

  • Age of Ashes, episode 8

    Latest episode is now available for our Age of Ashes campaign. This one is a bit truncated, partially due to scheduling conflicts due to the holiday, and partially due to character leveling. However, for the game time we did get in, the group was notably more efficient and fast moving. In this episode, the group…

  • Latest session

    Another successful game session in the Age of Ashes campaign, and happily the efficiency of the game has notably improved. Prior games, we seemed to manage only a single combat or two, with a full five hour game. This time, we managed three separate combats, with only about half of the game time (due to…

  • Legolas

    Slowly we are filling out the rest of the group’s painted miniatures, as the various players complete their painting. For this last game, Legolas was presented, in all his bronze glory. This figure was painted by Craig, who did a very good job, especially since he has not painted very many figures before, and this…

  • Ages of Ashes, episode 7

    Managed to hold our regularly scheduled game yesterday, and successfully capture the video and audio for the session. This is the first session with the new audio equipment, so I am hopefully the quality will be improved. Now I need to filter, restructure, and edit the footage into the normal format, which will likely take…

  • Fall of Plaguestone

    Had a successful kickoff of our second campaign group, with the start of pre-generated characters in The Fall of Plaguestone stand-alone adventure from Paizo. The group is utilizing 7 of the 12 iconic characters, which works well and were well received by all involved. This is really intended as a “learn the system” type adventure…

  • The second campaign

    With the return of a high-school friend to the area (with his family), we are giving thought to starting up a second Pathfinder 2e campaign. This would end up falling on the alternate Sundays of our already established game, and involve almost all new players. Starting plan is a crash course on Second edition using…