Tag: Pathfinder

  • Video editing

    Finally working on the latest round of Pathfinder videos, despite my chronic procrastination.  Unfortunately, it is a long process, so best case would be to finish the first video by tomorrow.  More than likely it will be Friday instead, or Saturday.  Then I have content from Zombicide to do as well, though that one isn’t…

  • Zombicide: Black Plague

    On Sunday, as planned, we played a game of Zombicide: Black Plague, instead of our regular Pathfinder game (due to a lack of players).  Overall, it was a strong success, everyone seemed to have a great time.  We only ended up playing Quest 1 – Big Game Hunting, and after a lot of cooperation (and…

  • Active weekend

    Lots of plans for this weekend, for what was supposed to have been relatively quiet.  Fortunately, most are what I would consider fun activities, so not a big concern.  Tonight we head down to the summer camp to visit my son, who has been at camp all week.  Should be a good moral booster for…

  • Video challenges

    So here I am on my latest round of work-related travel, when I discover that my intended video sync-up on my laptop did not take place as planned.  As a result, I am stuck downloading the 22 GB file over hotel wi-fi from my home server.  Not a good start to my attempt to get…

  • Zombies on the march

    Due to some scheduling conflicts, we are not going to be having our regular Pathfinder session this week, so I am going to attempt to fill the gap with a game of Zombicide: Black Plague.  Should be a lot of fun, and still be able to occupy the players who are available.  And incidentally gives…

  • Rise of the Runelords, Chapter 3, Part 5

    Managed to finished editing the video for the last game session a day or two before the next scheduled game, and uploaded it on Friday.  Overall, audio and video is still decent, though I am struggling with one of the players who talks very softly.  As a result, I had them move for this last…

  • Quest listings

    While I have been editing the latest game session video, I noticed that the number of quests and missions the group is being asked to tackle is starting to grow quite a bit, and there is some confusion starting to creep in.  In addition, I am having my own difficulties managing and remembering all the…

  • Breaking the chain

    So I haven’t been that successful continuing my ongoing chain of postings recently, after missing yesterday’s deadline yet again.  The good news is the habit is strong enough to make me realize the miss, but not strong enough to keep me from avoiding it. In truth, I have been allowing myself to get rather distracted.…