Tag: Pathfinder

  • Zombicide: Black Plague

    Managed to fit in another game of Zombicide: Black Plague, as we ever so slowly work our way thru the starter set missions. This time it was Quest 8 – The Evil Temple, and our first “Hard” mission. The first attempt went badly, the group split up and then encountered nothing but misses on their…

  • Return to podcasts

    Its been a while now since I have published any podcast or video productions at all, let alone related to our gaming activities, and the itch is starting to return. Our current Kingmaker campaign would be an option, but realistically it is just too short of a series to make it worth while. Instead, my…

  • Equipment Lists

    Not much of an update at this time, I have been spending time working on supplements to support our particularly large Pathfinder campaign. Although we crafted characters last week, the biggest challenge was purchasing equipment and gear – there simply was not enough books and resources available. To that end, I have compiled a listing…

  • Charter of Authority

    I always try to do a little extra for the start of a campaign – sometimes I have managed to put together a short video summarizing the history, sometimes I create various props or other items. In the case of our Kingmaker campaign, I opted for the prop approach, not having much time to prepare…

  • Pathfinder Season 2 – Kingmaker

    For our second major Pathfinder campaign, we have selected to run the Kingmaker campaign. This is partially due to the group’s expressed interest in above ground adventuring (compared to interior dungeons), and partly a factor of the time frame we have in mind. As stated previously, we are planning to start a new long term…

  • Pathfinder, Season 2 Cast – Pokey Darkstrike

    With our upcoming new season of Pathfinder (campaign still to be decided), I am having all the players create their own characters. Now that they are veterans, they get to make all the decisions that I had previously made on their behalf (mainly due to the size of the group). Our first session, scheduled for…

  • Pathfinder – Season 2

    Gearing up for our second major campaign for Pathfinder, now that the Rise of the Runelords has wrapped up. Initially the thought was to try a selection from other games, but the general view of the group was to stick with Pathfinder. I have done some digging thru my back adventurers and options, and have…

  • The final battle

    As I mentioned yesterday, we managed to finally wrap up the Rise of the Runelords campaign, with the second of a two part finale. In the first half, the group had believed victory was in their hands, when a contingency Wish spell was activated, rejuvenating and reinforcing Karzoug. We started the session with things looking…