Tag: Pathfinder

  • Rise of the Runelords – The Characters (Level 14)

    Its been a while since I posted the character sheets for the group, which have advanced to level 14 at this point.  Given the large size of our group, and the inexperience of the players, it is impractical to have each player advance their character each time, and magical gear has a tendency to fall…

  • Rise of the Runelords update

    We had our latest session of Pathfinder this weekend, with the group finally entering the pocket dimension of Runeforge, with recently upgraded level 14 characters.  Their biggest challenge is adjusting to the changes in reality in the new location (some spells don’t work, or work differently), and my biggest challenge was actually filtering and editing…

  • Pathfinder Wishes

    A few sessions ago, in our bi-weekly Pathfinder campaign, the group happened to discover an artifact by the name of the Anathema Archive.  A powerful source of magic, this ancient scroll contains the total Arcane knowledge of the setting.  By concentrating and opening the scroll, any Arcane spell can be revealed and cast by the…

  • d20Pro

    Switched gears over the weekend, and started working on a new RPG campaign, to eventually use some sort of virtual tabletop.  Initially, I had considered using Fantasy Grounds, but I am also experimenting now with d20Pro, mainly for its ability to do line of site and individual perspectives.  In our gaming group, we have a…

  • The Wormwood sails again

    It has been many years, but my model of The Wormwood finally had another use – as the centerpiece for our Cub Scout pirate-themed Crossover ceremony.  This is a paper-craft model I built several years ago, in preparation for the Pathfinder campaign, Skull and Shackles.  Unfortunately, the campaign died off after a bit into the…

  • Rise of the Runelords – the Scribbler

    Our group continued the fight against the Scribbler, the chief bad guy of the first part of Chapter 5, who turned out not to be much of a threat – at least not against the overly large player group that we have.  Coming back to the battle fresh, the players rather rapidly finished him off,…

  • Rise of the Runelords – Sins vs Virtues

    As I mentioned before, for our Rise of the Runelords Pathfinder game, we are reaching a point in the campaign where the relative “sin” or “virtue” level of each character is becoming relevant.  Basically, for the prior game, as they have shown one tendency or another, they have earned a bonus or penalty during the…

  • Rise of the Runelords upcoming

    This Sunday is our next session of Pathfinder, with the group continuing and hopefully finishing the battle in the sinkhole beneath Sandpoint.  From there, the adventure continues as the group moves forward with their quest to locate Runeforge.  Perhaps the strange riddle they have discovered within the tunnels will point them in a direction, and…