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Tag: Pirates of Drinax
Pirates of Drinax, Episode 2
As we shift into a more routine summer schedule, our various live-play roleplaying sessions are starting to settle down on schedule. We were able to fit in the second session of our Pirates of Drinax campaign, our home-grown Franken-system of Shadowrun and Traveller, with the group continuing their exploration of the Trojan Reach. Having ventured…
New discoveries in Traveller
We finally managed our second session of our Travel campaign for the Pirates of Drinax, with the group continuing their investigation into recent pirate attacks on nearby systems. They began the session at Torpol, and set out to track down the damage Scout Courier ship that had fled the system. That brought them to a…
Pirates of Drinax, episode 1
A successful launch of the new campaign, with all 6 players available for a long Saturday session. As normal, the session was recorded, and will be available this coming Friday for viewers. Subscribe to the YouTube channel for notifications and awareness of releases, and to help support us. We started the campaign using the old…
Pirates of Drinax
Our next campaign is kicked off, likely this coming weekend (video available the following week). This is our combination Traveller/Shadowrun campaign, with the group experiencing the Trojan Reach with the Pirates of Drinax campaign. Character generation is already done, and it was a lot of fun, I think the group agrees that this was probably…