Tag: PLA

  • Wax Stamp, take 2

    Second attempt at a custom wax stamp, and second failure – though there is notable improvement. With a much more robust handle and base, the PLA did not warp and melt this time, which is an improvement. And with some internet suggestions of oiling the surface, the wax did not stick as much. However, the…

  • Fun with stamps

    A while ago, I posted a wax stamp handout I had created for our Pathfinder campaign – some formal writs of authority the group was granted. At the time, I ended up with a compromise solution – a basic store-bought stamp of a generic pattern and “flexible” wax. The result was workable, but not quite…

  • Printer Update

    Upgrades are in place, and the printer is (fingers crossed) working reliably and well – the past several days I have been finishing up a larger project printing paint bottle racks for storage of my painting set.  It requires several trays, and each tray ends up printing for about 36 hours, which is certainly a…

  • Filament Choices

    As I have been getting further and further into 3d printing, I have been experimenting with a number of different colors and brands of filament.  In general, I have not found much significant different in quality for PLA between options, but for consistency, I have been tending towards the same ones each time.  If curious,…

  • Printer gaps

    I have tried numerous possibilities, and I still can’t seem to resolve what appears to be the final quality issue with the 3d printer.  As you can see in the picture, I am getting gaps in the print at the start of the layer on the outer wall.  It isn’t consistent by layer, but of…