Tag: Podcast

  • Podcast formats

    For the last few years, my focus on publishing gaming sessions has been on YouTube content, slowly trying to build an audience (or at least learn how to edit and create content). Near the beginning on this journey, I dabbled a bit in podcast formats, specifically audio only versions of the game sessions. These tends…

  • Microphone Shock Mount

    If you ended up watching the Rise of the Runelords video from yesterday or listening to the podcast, first, thanks for being my limited audience.  Second, you likely noticed a lot of background noise on the recording, mainly due to impact noise caused by movement on the table translating into the rather sensitive microphone.  In…

  • Rise of the Runelords, Chapter 4, Part 10 – Mokmurian

    Finished up the video for the latest game session, though I had challenges with the audio on this one.  I was attempting to get better pickups, but that required the microphone to be in the middle of the table.  Unfortunately, the tripod has no shock absorbing, so there is a lot of impact noise that…

  • RotRL s04e10

    In which the group finally faces Mokmurian, stone giant spell-caster leader of the giants, and villain proposing a large scale invasion of Varisia. Uploading the podcast format of the gaming session, for those who prefer that option.  If you prefer video, reference the YouTube channel at https://youtu.be/h5ECAiNjdrU  

  • Rise of the Runelords, Chapter 4, Part 8

    It has been many months, but I have finally managed to publish another of our gaming sessions.  Assuming YouTube scheduler works, the video should be live by the time this post is published, and the Podcast version should be online as well.  It has been many months since I finished a session, and this one…

  • Video editing

    Finally digging into my backlog of gaming videos and podcasts, in an effort to get back into the process.  Managed to get thru about a third of the latest Runelords sessions, which sadly isn’t very much actual content (though a lot of raw footage).  Trying a different approach this time, with zooming in on the…

  • Rise of the Runelords updates

    Continue to backlog on the various videos and podcasts from our recent gaming sessions, something that keeps nagging me, but that I have not had the time to dive into to get caught up on.  In the meantime, we have another Pathfinder sessions scheduled this weekend, which should finally wrap up the intro to Chapter…

  • Rise of the Runelords – the lost episode

    So I am rather behind in my podcasts and videos, thanks to various distractions and procrastination.  In particular, I am now 2 episodes of Rise of the Runelords, and after this weekend, 2 episodes of Hero System behind.  Unfortunately, in my struggle to keep the files straight, I erased one of the episodes of RotRL…