Tag: RPG

  • Kingmaker – into the Stolen Lands

    Kingmaker – into the Stolen Lands

    A surprisingly strong view count of our most recent Kingmaker session, with the start of the Wilds showing very strong viewership as of this morning. Perhaps the algorithm finally hit the mark, but I suspect it is mainly the “Kingmaker” name and association with Pathfinder. Regardless, welcome to all the new visitors, and my appreciation…

  • Warmaster is dead, back to Warhammer

    Warmaster is dead, back to Warhammer

    If you have been following our long-term Warhammer FRP campaign, the Enemy Within, then you will know that quite a while ago we converted the combat system over to Rolemaster mechanics, in attempt to add more detail, granularity and grittiness to the game. We have now made the decision to reverse that direction and have…

  • Revised intro for Warhammer FRP

    Revised intro for Warhammer FRP

    As I mentioned in my recent Viewport, I have been working on a revision for the intro credits to our Warhammer FRP storyline. The one we were using were very basic, since they were created years ago at this point. To me, they were very dated and basic, I have learned a lot about Davinci…

  • Subscriber milestone, slowly growing

    Subscriber milestone, slowly growing

    We hit another milestone for our YouTube presence (Halfing13) this morning, breaking into the 700-subscriber mark. For our channel, this is major, but for most of YouTube, it is just a small blip. The Star Wars Legion content appears to have been making steady progress each month, though our video production schedule has been challenged…

  • Pirates of Drinax, Episode 2

    Pirates of Drinax, Episode 2

    As we shift into a more routine summer schedule, our various live-play roleplaying sessions are starting to settle down on schedule. We were able to fit in the second session of our Pirates of Drinax campaign, our home-grown Franken-system of Shadowrun and Traveller, with the group continuing their exploration of the Trojan Reach. Having ventured…

  • New discoveries in Traveller

    New discoveries in Traveller

    We finally managed our second session of our Travel campaign for the Pirates of Drinax, with the group continuing their investigation into recent pirate attacks on nearby systems. They began the session at Torpol, and set out to track down the damage Scout Courier ship that had fled the system. That brought them to a…

  • Kingmaker kick-off

    Kingmaker kick-off

    Our Kingmaker campaign has kicked off with some excitement, our first session will be posted this coming Friday. All but one of the players were available (with George subbing in), so we had a full group of characters. Per the start, the adventure begins with the characters responding to a call for Heroes, adventurers willing…

  • Kingmaker preparations

    Kingmaker preparations

    We are rapidly approaching the start of our new Pathfinder campaign, using the Kingmaker adventure path (the revised and updated version for Pathfinder 2e). Artwork for the sessions is being finalized, and characters are just about done. Will be an interesting mix of characters, I have challenged all the players to play some class they…