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Tag: schedule
RPG sessions
This week we have new sessions coming for both the Pathfinder 2e Kingmaker campaign, as well as our ongoing Warhammer FRP The Enemy Within storyline. Both as usual will be available Friday morning. I am happy to see our audience has grown slightly again, with a larger number of views on recent episodes. Our Traveller…
Gencon 2024
I have mentioned it in one arena or another, this weekend is the big Gencon 2024 convention, in Indianapolis, Indiana. I will be attending with both kids on Sunday, trying to do the marathon run thru the vendor hall for whatever is new, trendy, or inspiring. In particular, I am on the lookout for a…
Legion double-feature
After a bit of a pause due to scheduling conflicts and illnesses, we are back with multiple Star Wars Legion episodes. Although there is no new release this week, we recorded Battle Report 079 on Wednesday, and episode 080 will be this evening. Once processed, that should set us up well to hopefully get back…
Tabletop Tube – a Viewport
Working on expanding the channel material with what the wife has dubbed “tabletop tube”, but in my mind is really just a video blog. Ideally, it is a lively conversation about our activities, both past, present and future, and perhaps some advice and stories. More than likely, I suspect it will be a ramble, at…
Traveller TTRPG
Now that our second Pathfinder campaign is wrapped up, we turn our attention to the start of our proposed Traveller/Shadowrun combo game. The setting is the Traveller universe – it is well developed and expansive and grounded enough in reality to have a reasonable awareness by the group. Plus, we can limit the exploration rate…
Legion episodes
With the websites now stable again after all the updates, I have been able to refocus in our on our ongoing Legion content. After the conclusion of our house tournament, we switched over to a slightly different format, and started live streaming our battles. Participation has been reasonable, though low, which is to be expected,…