Tag: schedule

  • Episode 1 in the can

    Not that I am using old-fashioned film, but I am happy to say that our first episode of the Age of Ashes is now edited, processed and otherwise finished. I have the file posted to YouTube, and scheduled to go live on Friday, 8/23 at 5 PM EST. In general, I think that is going…

  • Gencon 2019

    Another Gencon is done, and our group managed to survive without casualties. Only major challenge was the loss of my credit card after the first night, which fortunately was only missing, and not stolen. Caused a bit of a disruption, but we were able to adapt. Unfortunately, what I was interested in sold rather quickly.…

  • Gencon 2019

    Gencon 2019 convention is starting tomorrow, and for the first time, my son and I are attending the entire 4 day event. In previous years, we have gone on the Sunday Family Day, but last year there was simply no way to see and experience everything. With some planning since December, we decided to do…

  • Lack of Activity

    Been suffering quite a bit of slow activity recently, and missing my own schedule for postings. Given that I have tried to make this into a daily habit, it causes me a bit of stress each day that I end up missing. However, life and work seem to be troublesome at times. Most of my…

  • New RPG options

    Been having some email discussions with my long term gaming friends, and entertaining the idea of starting up a second bi-weekly schedule. Still very preliminary, and no idea of who or what, but been brainstorming various options. Listed in no particular order is some ideas I have: Warhammer Fantasy setting with GURPs mechanics (aka, GURPs…

  • Spring Break

    Ended up not posting at all last week, thanks to a Spring Break for the family. Officially it was just the kids and spring break from school, but I opted to take the week for a vacation from work as well. Had some good times with the family – we spent the early part of…

  • Boys are off to camp

    Both boys, busy with the Scouts, are headed to camp this weekend, giving me a rare “free” weekend with the wife. Not sure what we will be doing yet, its such an unusual occurrence. Most likely will just enjoy the quiet, though we are already making plans for after they return – considering trying to…

  • Gencon 2019

    For the first time ever for myself, we will be heading to Gencon to attend more than just a single day. Scheduling did not permit for the full 4 day event as originally planned, but we did manage to squeeze in plans for 2-days of convention fun. And the plans involved most of the current…