Tag: schedule
Calling all Champions
Years ago, one of our popular games was a free-form Superhero game utilizing the Hero System mechanics. This was a game system that was frequently on again, off again with our group. I remember a number of successful games, and a couple of successful adventures, but we never really managed to maintain a long term…
Warhammer FRP
Planning on our first true session this coming Friday for our new Warhammer FRP game, and strongly leaning towards a live, in-person game again. It has been many months since we played any game face to face, and although the ongoing pandemic is still a big concern in the United States, it feels like time…
Professional Work
I tend to not post much about my professional work, mainly because it has little to do with my hobby efforts. Jokingly, until my YouTube career truly takes off, and my hobby and work align in harmony (which realistically may never happen), the two are mutually exclusive. However, recent events have caused an increased load…
Virtual Tabletop
As I have posted, we have been attempting to continue our ongoing gaming efforts remotely, so that we don’t have to cancel the campaigns. For this effort, we have been using Fantasy Grounds, which as a product has worked very well. The software is stable, and the features continue to be enhanced (we are using…
House build update
By this time, our pre-drywall inspection should now be completed, and insulation should be installed. As of tomorrow, the project starts the drywall – a step that is supposed to take 7-10 days. From there, we move into hopefully cosmetics and other finishing touches, hopefully still on target for a closing date near the end…