Tag: schedule

  • Starfinder

    With the current double-campaign for Pathfinder, my plate is pretty full on GM’ing storylines. However, I still have a desire to play, and have an upcoming option with a recent acquaintance and a planned Starfinder campaign. I have never played Starfinder before, but I am always up for learning. So far from my basic research,…

  • Overloaded editing

    So realizing at this point that trying to fit in a second Age of Ashes session, and include the content in my usual editing sequence, was a mistake. This is also a good indication that any thoughts of publishing two campaigns at the same time should likely be squashed as well. It doesn’t help that…

  • Age of Ashes expanded schedule

    With the ongoing pandemic, and apparently some excess free time for a few of our players, we are going to be attempting to expand our current gaming schedule. Currently, we continue the campaign every other week on Sunday – we are going to attempt a mid-schedule Friday game. The current schedule is a 3-4 hour…

  • Home improvements

    Enjoying a week off of work, to get some projects done around the house and spend time with the family. So far, most of the work has been in the backyard, cleaning up the weeds and bushes that have grown out of control, and re-applying mulch to large areas. Most of the work is unfortunately…

  • Vacation time

    Well before this Covid-19 pandemic, this weekend was scheduled to be a bit of a break from work. The wife and older son were going to be in Florida at Disney, and my younger son had our own plans. I had planned for next week to be a vacation from work, to get several projects…