Tag: schedule

  • GURPs Warhammer update

    So we tried again this weekend, and again had to end up cancelling the plan game due to scheduling difficulties.  The good news is that the system is very workable, and seems very solid for the intended storyline.  Unfortunately, real life is just too much of a plan changer to reliably maintain the game.  As…

  • Spring Break

    Enjoying some spring break with my family, so not going to be posting much this week.  Next week its back to work, and so should have more content to start listing again.  As for schedule, this weekend we have our GURPs Warhammer game again, and I am hoping to set aside time to edit the…

  • Update on gaming schedule

    Running a bit late today, thanks to an overly busy schedule with work.  Falling behind with the video sessions for the gaming, thanks to my distractions with 3d printing, but managing to successfully print a lot of material.  In particular, I should have enough True-Tiles for the upcoming Pathfinder session on Sunday, which should go…

  • Video editing

    Finally digging into my backlog of gaming videos and podcasts, in an effort to get back into the process.  Managed to get thru about a third of the latest Runelords sessions, which sadly isn’t very much actual content (though a lot of raw footage).  Trying a different approach this time, with zooming in on the…

  • A touch less travel

    Skipping the travel this week, and staying home, thanks to the red tape involved in travel arrangements through work.  Admittedly this works well, it gives me a chance to get to my older son’s Boy Scouts Court of Honor this week, and we have preparations to wrap up for the Cub Scouts Pinewood Derby this…

  • Snow park beats GURPs

    As previously mentioned, we changed our calendar in favor of a Boy Scout snow park trip, instead of the usually scheduled GURPs Warhammer game.  Although not everyone ended being able to attend, those that did had a fun time.  Weather was overcast and threatening rain, but it never arrived, and the day stayed a comfortable…

  • Stable end to a long week

    Its the end of a long week, and we have a big snow storm supposedly coming in this evening.  Initially, the prediction was for 8+ inches of snow on top of a layer of ice – that has since been reduced to only a few inches.  Of course that doesn’t stop the locals from panic,…

  • Not as productive as hoped

    Despite great plans to the contrary, I ended up not being as productive over the holidays as I had intended.  Initially, I had lots of plans for getting caught up on videos and podcasts, painting miniatures, gaming, and various other activities.  I actually ended up barely touching the video content, only painting a fraction of…