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Tag: schedule
Troubles at work
So I had a grand plan to start my painting miniatures series last night, and even organized, packed up, and hauled all the gear out to my location so I would be ready. Miniature primed and ready to go, camera charged and set. And then work develops an issue with one of my clients, with…
Delay in Pathfinder
Had a late schedule change, and had to postpone the latest chapter of the Rise of the Runelords. Unfortunately, 2 of our players, fairly key in the climatic battle of Chapter 3 were unable to attend, and my game preparation had fallen a bit behind schedule. As a result, we cancelled the game for this…
Labor Day in the US
US holiday today, so spending time with the family, before heading back to work this week. Spent yesterday playing our new Hero System campaign, which I recorded for podcast material. And still need to finish the editing on the latest Pathfinder campaign. Going to be a busy week, hopefully I can get caught up by…
Episode updates
The latest Pathfinder gaming episode is most of the way thru the editing process, and I am expecting to have it wrapped up by Friday evening. Most likely it will be posted as an extra posting rather than waiting until Monday. As usual, the amount of material, and my limited schedule has made it take…
New consideration for the painting projects
If you have been a follower of this site (not sure those exist), then you may have read a couple weeks ago that I was inspired to start painting miniatures again with my recent purchase of Zombicide: Black Plague. I even went so far as to create a subject-specific YouTube channel to create and post…
Active weekend
Lots of plans for this weekend, for what was supposed to have been relatively quiet. Fortunately, most are what I would consider fun activities, so not a big concern. Tonight we head down to the summer camp to visit my son, who has been at camp all week. Should be a good moral booster for…
Video challenges
So here I am on my latest round of work-related travel, when I discover that my intended video sync-up on my laptop did not take place as planned. As a result, I am stuck downloading the 22 GB file over hotel wi-fi from my home server. Not a good start to my attempt to get…
Zombies on the march
Due to some scheduling conflicts, we are not going to be having our regular Pathfinder session this week, so I am going to attempt to fill the gap with a game of Zombicide: Black Plague. Should be a lot of fun, and still be able to occupy the players who are available. And incidentally gives…