Tag: schedule

  • The best laid plans…

    So I wasn’t nearly as productive as I had hoped over the last few days, between planning on painting figures for Zombicide: Black Plague, and various other goals.  We ended up getting distracted by Ark: Survival, as started to raise dragons (wyverns) on the Ragnarok world, on our private server.  Apparently, I am the only…

  • Happy 4th of July

    To any American follows, happy 4th of July!  There won’t be any other content post as such today, since I will be out with family and friends enjoying some food, fun, and fireworks.

  • Video editing timing

    An unfortunate side effect of the effort to record our gaming sessions is the lengthy amount of time required for the editing of the video.  Initially, I was posting the videos in nearly raw format, which means the 5 hour session was posted as a 5 hour video, complete with all the sides conversations, distractions,…

  • Breaking the chain

    So I haven’t been that successful continuing my ongoing chain of postings recently, after missing yesterday’s deadline yet again.  The good news is the habit is strong enough to make me realize the miss, but not strong enough to keep me from avoiding it. In truth, I have been allowing myself to get rather distracted.…

  • Back from vacation

    So there has been a noticeable drop in posting activity over the last couple of weeks, primarily because I spent the last couple of weeks with the family on vacation in Florida.  We spent the first part visiting Disney World, and the second half with the kids on a cruise with the grandparents, and my…

  • Time for some vacation

    Posts for the next couple of weeks may be a bit more sporadic, as I am finally taking some time off from work and my schedule for a vacation.  I will still be trying to post, or at least pre-post, but I honestly am going to try to think about computers as little as possible.…

  • Ark: Survival

    The last few days have been rather hectic, as shows in my recent posts – my focus has been a bit all over.  Work has been rather crazy, several major outages and other critical work, resulting in long hours.  And we have had a resurgence in interest in Ark: Survival, starting from scratch on the…

  • Scheduling change

    The good news is that I will have a longer period of time before I am backlogged by our ongoing Pathfinder gaming schedule, and the associated video production.  The bad news is that it is because we will not be playing the campaign during this week’s scheduled sessions.  With school wrapping up, we have players…