Tag: schedule

  • Pre-publishing is better

    So, if you have been a long time follower of my website efforts (which would surprise me if there is anyone), you may have noticed that my ability to routinely and regularly post a daily update has improved with this most recent iteration.  Previously, I would post something every day, but then after a few…

  • Down for the count

    Not much of an update today, I am dealing with a sinus infection that is kicking my butt.  Haven’t been able to concentrate on much more than breathing and occasionally eating.  Upcoming this weekend, we have our next session of Pathfinder, and next week likely will do some additional Armada. The YouTube videos are doing…

  • Back from Toledo

    Finally back from my regular travel schedule again, this time for more than just the weekend.  As part of my work, I routinely travel to Toledo, which although it is a nice enough city, is not home with the family.  It also makes it difficult to work on my various projects and activities.  Hopefully this…