Tag: schedule

  • Crafty Twitch Stream

    As mentioned before, I am working to increase my live streaming presence, in many cases on Twitch. I have been streaming a number of times recently from my 3d printer, just a steady view of the printer at work with some status graphics – nothing too engaging, but simple to do. Recently, I have been…

  • Happy New Year

    A couple days late, but still valid, as we welcome in the new year of 2022. Haven’t been posting much over the last couple of weeks mainly due to the holiday season, and a still busy work schedule. This last year was an interesting one, most of my content has become easier to produce and…

  • Eagle project

    Not planning on a Wednesday Warfare game this week, due to a conflict with our Eagle project efforts. We finally have funding and supplies, and the project has now been tackling the tasks item by item. Over the weekend, we chopped up the panels into the various parts, the next step is for the volunteers…

  • Return to regular gaming

    With October over, it brings with it a change in the seasons, and an end to sports activities with the kids – both Football and Marching Band are now completed. It also brings a more open schedule, allowing for more gaming, meaning a return to our regularly scheduled games. In particular, we have our ongoing…

  • Schedule adjustments

    With the end of the football season, and various other conflicts, it looks like our upcoming game schedule is being disrupted more than a little. This coming weekend we have a potential birthday conflict, then Halloween interferes with the other game. I am working with the players to see what options we have for rescheduling…

  • Family Visit

    Will be a bit distracted and absent for the next week or so, with a visit from my father. He lives quite a distance away, naturally isn’t as young as he used to be, and with recent Covid issues, has been unable to extensively travel. As such, we have not seen them in nearly two…

  • Gaming Table completed (mostly)

    Happily, I managed to finish up the table project on time, without major issue. As pictured, the gaming area is much cleaner now with cables hidden but all the electronics functional. The surface is smooth, solid, and blends well with the rest of the decor. And with the larger size, we added an extra foot…

  • Gaming table, phase 2

    Finally starting on the next stage of the grand gaming table. As published previously, my intent has been to create a large gaming surface, for our oversize group. We have the table itself, which itself is rather massive, but still a bit cramped for the players. The first step was to create a virtual table…