Tag: Star Wars

  • Squadron organizer

    First draft of the design for a squadron organizer for X-Wing, validating the sizing and wall structure. I am happy with these measurements, though the small holes at the top (intended for magnets) are a little too small. The rest seems to be good on the first attempt. My next stage is to work out…

  • X-Wing squadrons

    Taking a break from thinking about Pathfinder and Covid recently, to do a bit of design work. I have been looking for ways to re-organize and improve my storage for X-Wing pieces and parts, and been browsing the various sites for 3d printing options. For tokens, I am working on a design that collects them…

  • Movie Night

    With the excitement of Covid, I am working to provide a small distraction, and decided to start streaming movies thru Discord each night. The Discord instance is open for anyone who cares to join in, though I make no claims about the age-appropriateness of any movies. Each day, I will post the planned movie for…

  • Miniature Monday – Legion X-Wing

    Expanding my Star Wars: Legion terrain with several models in progress. First completed is a scale model of an X-Wing, complete with movable wings, landing gear, and a removable R2 druid. Ideally, yes, I would paint the model, but realistically it is not a high priority. The model is available on Thingiverse, and scaled specifically…

  • The Razorcrest

    As part of my growing terrain collection for Star Wars Legion, I opted to 3d print a scale model of the Razorcrest from the Star Wars Mandalorian series. This was a pretty long print, even with the low infill, but the model ended up pretty good. It is perhaps a bit too small and out…

  • Pools of Water and Goo

    In preparation for the secondary Pathfinder campaign, the Fall of Plaguestone, I crafted a pair of water features for the terrain. I had previously posted about this, but now the models are fully painted, and filled with resin. Overall, I am rather happy with the results. The clear resin worked very well, and I managed…

  • Star Wars: X-Wing

    Had another chance to play some more X-Wing, or at least host the game (my son and one of our other gamers actually played). The battle was a straightforward 200 vs 200, with Scum vs Empire. On the Empire side, the squadron was Darth Vader and a TIE Advanced, supported by 4 TIE fighters (most…

  • Send in the bombers

    Expanding our X-Wing collection with the latest wave, and adding the Rebel B-Wing. This has always been one of my favorite designs, even if the basic concept itself is rather unrealistic. With the new edition, Fantasy Flight has added quite a bit to the model, with a rotating mount point to the stand, folding wings,…