Tag: Star Wars

  • Star Wars: X-Wing

    It has been a long time, but we finally had an opportunity to jump back into the cockpit and play some more X-Wing second edition this last Sunday. Joining us for the game where my sons, George and Ben, and their friends Carter and Craig. With five players, I quickly whipped up some multiplayer rules…

  • No good to me dead

    With the recent Father’s Day, my kids and family helped me expand the slowly growing Star Wars: Legion collection with a few of the heroes and villains. The first one is Boba Fett, feared bounty hunter, and addon for the Empire’s side. The model is nice, though perhaps a bit finicky – there are a…

  • Wookiee Painting

    Been spending time painting the recently acquired squad of wookies, including Chewbacca. It is rather entertaining, trying to come up with unique styles and patterns for each piece, while still maintaining continuity. Not really sold yet on the blonde wookie – I may have chosen a bit too much yellow in the color. Hopefully this…

  • Star Wars Legion – Airspeeder

    Bulking up the Rebel forces a bit further, with the additional of a T-47 Airspeeder (though I know it more as the Snowspeeder from The Empire Strikes Back). I was concerned that the piece would be overly small and out of scale, but it is actually pretty close. Compared to the Wookies, it is of…

  • Pondering game options

    With the upcoming conclusion of our Pathfinder game, it is time to consider our next campaign. I have plenty of material for more Pathfinder, that has never been in short supply, but the big driving factor is the upcoming 2nd edition release in August. Due to this, we don’t really want to start another long…

  • Star Wars Legion – Scout Troops

    Next set of the growing Imperial ground forces for Legion, with a squad of scout troopers (plus upgrades). If they manage to get painted, they will of course use the traditional white on black, though I know in the extended source material, they have branched out into actual camouflaged colors. Continuing to find it challenging…

  • Star Wars X-Wing – Fang Fighter

    Continuing my X-Wing collection, with another edition into the Scum faction. This one is the Fang Fighter, serving a role similar to the X-wing or basic TIE fighters, as a general combat addition. Not sure where this ship appears in the movies, books or other material, but that in itself doesn’t matter to me much.…

  • Star Wars X-Wing – TIE Reaper

    Continuing my X-Wing collection, with the last of the First Edition/Second Edition combo packs – ships that come with materials for both editions of the game. This one is the TIE Reaper, appearing in Star Wars Rebels, and featuring Director Krennic as a pilot option. Since I mainly fly Rebel, this won’t serve me much,…