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Tag: Star Wars
Star Wars: Armada – Precision Strike
During this last Sunday, we finally were able to fit in another game of Armada, between myself (Rebels) and my son (Imperials). Mission selected was Precision Strike. My plan had been to video tape the entire session, and then edit the game together later on. Unfortunately, I had some technical problems – first I had…
Squadron plates
During our Armada game this last weekend, had a chance to put to good use the Squadron plates I designed. Imperials were flying several TIE fighter squadrons and Dengar, and the Rebels had a pair of X-Wings and Rogue Squadron. The plates worked well, and kept things organized during the rather complex game. Admittedly the…
Armada Scenery
Finally sat down to finish up the 3d scenery for Armada, in preparation for playing the game. The asteroids turned out pretty decent, a bit of hot glue attaching them to the support poles worked fairly well. For the nebulas, I used a cotton ball stretched (and glued) between two support poles. The space station…
Armada Sunday
Planning on trying to play some more Star Wars Armada this Sunday, after a fairly lengthy dry spell. I like the game, just haven’t had the time, availability, or space for doing so. However, thanks to a recent spring purge in the house, one of our rooms is nicely clean and open again. Toss in…
Crafting the sticks
Continuing with my efforts from yesterday, 3d printing support posts for Star Wars: Armada terrain. I have been batch producing pieces for the support posts. A typical set of 5 posts takes about 3 hours to print, so thru the day I have finished a couple of batches and have a growing collection of pieces. …
Have 3d Printer, will print
Continuing my builds of Star Wars: Armada scenery, I am trying out an option to 3d print more pieces. Previously, I had a solution for the various cardboard templates (asteroids, gas clouds, space stations, and debris), and I have model solutions for each piece. What I was missing with the support rod for each, to…
Space Stations (updated)
Continuing with my design for a space station model for Armada, I have what I believe to be a finished set. Might end up throwing some paint on it, but the setup already looks pretty good. Posted is a picture with an ISD Interdictor for scale and comparison. Note that the base of the station…
Continuing my efforts at 3d Armada terrain, I printed out a set of stands for the game, that match the existing published cardboard pieces. In these cases, I can mount a peg (possibly plastic, likely a thin wooden dowel), and then the plan is a set of lava rock stones. May or may not paint…