Tag: Star Wars

  • Star Wars Armada – Advanced Gunnery

    Another Star Wars Armada fleet engagement video was posted, this time with the mission, Advanced Gunnery.  One small mistake in the fleets, we realized shortly after the start that Minister Tua was a waste of points in the configuration, so the Empire really only had 395 pts for the game.  Of particular note in the…

  • Star Wars Armada

    Played another game of Armada with George on Friday (video will be posted likely in a few days), using my same fleet makeup for the Rebellion as before.  George altered his fleet, to include the massive Imperial Star Destroyer, two small destroyers, and only a small number of squadrons.  The game was hard fought, but…

  • Back from Toledo

    Finally back from my regular travel schedule again, this time for more than just the weekend.  As part of my work, I routinely travel to Toledo, which although it is a nice enough city, is not home with the family.  It also makes it difficult to work on my various projects and activities.  Hopefully this…

  • Star Wars Armada – Base Defense Fighter Wing

    The recent Armada game was a good chance to attempt to video and record the game, for posting on YouTube.  It was played as a straight forward 2v2 game, using our typical random mission (Base Defense Fighter Wing).  Both sides started very evenly, and the game ended up very close, with a couple of solid…

  • Rebel Fleet dispatched

    Its been a while, between house projects, travel, and other distractions, but I am going to try to get a game of Armada together with my son George on Friday.  If others from our gaming group are interested, perhaps turn it into a larger game.  But we haven’t had the time to play, though he…

  • Rebel Fleet Victory – Targeting Beacons

    A solid game with some seriously good rolling.  Per our house rule, we randomly selected the mission from the entire set, and ended up with the Targeting Beacons mission.  The Empire opted for the 1st player role, giving the Rebellion to mission advantage.  Initial setup was fairly basic, with both sides lining up pretty much face…

  • Empire Fleet dispatched

    In partnership with the Rebel Fleet, I prepared a similar fleet list for the Empire.  Same parameters – make it easy (no upgrades), and make it relatively easy to split between two players for a 2v2 game.  And limit the options to ship and squadron I currently have available.  The end result is as follows:…

  • Rebel Fleet Spotted

    In preparation for the upcoming training game of Star Wars: Armada, I spent a little time coming up with a very basic fleet list, suitable to a 2v2 game.  The first half of this is the Rebel Fleet, able to be split fairly evenly between two players.  Intentionally, this uses no upgrade cards, only the…