Tag: Star Wars
LAAT/LE Patrol craft
Another couple of large projects, painted and finished up for Star Wars: Legion. First one is one that has been sitting for a while, the LAAT/LE Patrol craft. Painted in Army Painter Spaceship Grey, and a layer of Citadel Black Templar contrast on the wings. The entire vessel was given a rough wash of my…
Legion Painting – Imperial Bunker Console
In preparation for our upcoming double-feature of Star Wars Legion, I finished up the Imperial Bunker set, specifically the interior command console. The details on this turned out pretty good in my mind, though it does highlight the very basic paint job of the bunker itself. Click the image for a full resolution view. Unfortunately,…
Legion Battle 077 – Tempest Force vs Bright Tree
This week we have a fairly short battle between a Tempest Force battle force against the Ewoks of Bright Tree. Carter is playing the Empire, with George playing the Rebels. Both battle forces are new for our group, this is the first time either composition has been used. For Tempest Force, it is really just…
Terrain Painting – Crashed X-Wing
My second set of recently painted terrain is the Crashed X-Wing set, a more recent release. The model was painted similarly, with hand-painting on the X-Wing and R2 droid using base paints, then highlighted with contrasts. My home made dark wash ties all the pieces together again, working well for the size of the model.…
Terrain painting
Haven’t posted in a few days, thanks to a busy work schedule, editing schedule, and US holidays. With our most recent battle report, we managed to show off our recently painted terrain – I have been spending some evenings catching up on the old sets and pieces so that we can actually use them in…