Tag: Tabletop

  • New Etsy Product – Vehicle bases

    New Etsy Product – Vehicle bases

    Adding a few new designs to the Etsy collection, as I slowly increase my options. This time it is a set of Vehicle and Terrain bases I designed, since I don’t care for the “free” vehicle placement. Basically, in Bolt Action, infantry figures have a 1 inch base, artillery and heavy weapons have bases of…

  • Tabletop Wargames

    Tabletop Wargames

    Managed to get in a couple of games on Sunday, processing now for the battle reports hopefully by Friday. First up was a rematch of my Rebel forces with Ben’s Empire force, revised to version 3 for the units. He dropped the Dark Troopers, and opted for a fully loaded AT-ST, which was a serious…

  • Bolt Action

    Bolt Action

    Recently, I have been inspired to branch out into new gaming, because of course I have nothing but free time and lots of disposable income (neither accurate). I have always been curious about the Bolt Action tabletop wargame, which as I understand has been going strong for many years. At this point, at the end…

  • Legion double-feature

    Legion double-feature

    After a bit of a pause due to scheduling conflicts and illnesses, we are back with multiple Star Wars Legion episodes. Although there is no new release this week, we recorded Battle Report 079 on Wednesday, and episode 080 will be this evening. Once processed, that should set us up well to hopefully get back…

  • Mordheim

    Ages ago, our gaming group became addicted to the tabletop strategy game Mordheim, as published by Games Workshop around 1999. Although official support was short-lived, the game has lived on in fan-supported formats. Recently, there has been discussions and rumors about playing the game again, in a competitive tabletop format, as part of our strategy…