Tag: Terrain

  • Dragon Totem

    As part of the Cult of Cinders chapter for the Age of Ashes, one of the goals of the group is to destroy or disable a series of Dragon Idols constructed by the Charu-ka and Boggards. This towers are magical, and have caused the Ekujae Elves to go blind whenever they approach (along with a…

  • Clorehaven Tavern

    Working on my next large terrain project, and decided to tackle the Clorehaven Tavern build. This is similar to the Watch Tower and Barn projects, though from the size much larger in print volume. Most likely, I will need to break each floor into several pieces, since the MK3 simply can’t print that large. Similar…

  • Miniature Monday – Clorehaven Barn

    Doubt I will be able to maintain it, but going to try to prepare and display terrain and miniatures on a regular schedule, tentatively on Mondays. In concept, these will include a timelapse of the printing process, along with at least a final painting of the figure, terrain piece, or assembly. Again, I expect I…

  • Octolapse corrections

    With the new 3d printer, I have been trying (unsuccessfully) to generate routine print timelapses, using Octolapse. I managed to create one or two, but the large majority were suffering from mysterious layer shift issues. Although the print would complete, depending on the model it frequently was unusable – and the timelapse was certainly ugly.…

  • Revisiting the Tower again

    In my ongoing effort to 3d print terrain for gaming, I am continuing to evolve the previous tower project. I was able to print all of the files, enough to assemble a piece-meal tower with component parts – all of which fit well and had good quality. That was shortly before the holidays, and my…

  • Pools of Water and Goo

    In preparation for the secondary Pathfinder campaign, the Fall of Plaguestone, I crafted a pair of water features for the terrain. I had previously posted about this, but now the models are fully painted, and filled with resin. Overall, I am rather happy with the results. The clear resin worked very well, and I managed…

  • Watch Tower Assembly

    Over the holidays, thanks to the new printer, I managed to finally finish printing the various individual pieces for the Watch Tower project. The last big piece was the roof tile – all one single piece and a rather long print. With my old printer, I just didn’t trust it enough to risk that length…

  • Watchtower, 3rd floor

    After several weeks, I have completed the 3rd floor of the Watchtower project – at least the printing stage. Once I am able to print the roof section, then I will be disassembling everything for painting, before re-assembling and gluing the pieces. The design is supposed to be modular sections – different pieces that lock…