Tag: Terrain

  • Armada Scenery

    Finally sat down to finish up the 3d scenery for Armada, in preparation for playing the game.  The asteroids turned out pretty decent, a bit of hot glue attaching them to the support poles worked fairly well.  For the nebulas, I used a cotton ball stretched (and glued) between two support poles.  The space station…

  • Crafting the sticks

    Continuing with my efforts from yesterday, 3d printing support posts for Star Wars: Armada terrain. I have been batch producing pieces for the support posts.  A typical set of 5 posts takes about 3 hours to print, so thru the day I have finished a couple of batches and have a growing collection of pieces. …

  • Have 3d Printer, will print

    Continuing my builds of Star Wars: Armada scenery, I am trying out an option to 3d print more pieces.  Previously, I had a solution for the various cardboard templates (asteroids, gas clouds, space stations, and debris), and I have model solutions for each piece.  What I was missing with the support rod for each, to…

  • More tiles

    The last few RPG sessions have been rather successful with the use of my growing collection of 3d printed gaming tiles, and the group is really enjoying the addons.  Every game, at least a couple of the players comment about how much it adds to the game, to be able to see the walls and…

  • Update to Trees

    Previously I posted that I was working on a template system for forests and trees, for use during our RPG sessions.  I spent some time, and created a full sheet template, and then printed a few copied out on transparencies.  My plan is to try them out during our Sunday regular game, and see how…