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Tag: Trophy
Battle for Galactic Domination
With the end of the year, a new tradition is attempting to be started, with a New Year’s Eve Twilight Imperium game. With a host of friends, some good food and decent drink, we are planning on a multi-hour game session of Twilight Imperium with the Prophecy of Kings supplement – allowing for 8 players…
Twilight Imperium
Planning on holding another game session of Twilight Imperium, sometime over the Christmas holiday. What better way to celebrate the spirit of peace and joy of the holidays, than to fight over galactic domination. At this point, tentatively looking at the 28th or 29th due to scheduling, but will really depend on player availability. Potentially…
Its Magic
While I continue to struggle with trying to render and publish the latest Age of Ashes session, its time for me to get working on the trophy for our upcoming Magic: The Gathering tournament. This Saturday, from 2 PM to 5 PM, we will be hosting our 3rd annual Thanksgiving Tournament, though the date this…
MtG Trophy update
Finally managed to get the trophy for this year’s Magic: The Gathering tournament to print properly. Previously, I had broken the model into 4 separate pieces, in order to minimize the printing challenge. Although it printed well, this also meant there were several very noticeable seams in the final assembly. This year, with some more…
Magic: The Gathering 2019 Tournament
Starting preparations for our annual Thanksgiving Magic: The Gathering tournament, which admittedly isn’t until late November. However, there is a bit of preparation I need to do, not the least of which is prepare, build, and paint the trophy for this year. I expect I will use the same model, obviously updating the year, but…
Magic the Gathering results
We had a fun tournament, with quite a few players for our annual tournament. Ended up with fewer players than last year, apparently several felt pre-cooking for Thanksgiving was a higher priority, and some of last years players were out of town. But those that did show up had a lot of fun, and we…
Magic: The Gathering, Tournament Trophy
Wrapped up and finished the first place trophy for our upcoming tournament, by adding the final details. Likely will still add a coating of sealant, just to help protect it a bit, but it is otherwise complete. Overall, I am happy with the results, and the design works well. I may adjust it a bit…
Miscellaneous plans
Going to be a busy next couple of weeks, as I prepare for our upcoming Magic: The Gathering tournament. I still have to finish up the last pieces of the trophy I have been working on, in between what seems to be nearly constant rain. In addition, my trips to Toledo are more numerous, limiting…