Tag: True-Tiles

  • True-Tiles, second batch

    In preparation for the second wave of my True-Tiles printing, I have been batch printing a lot of bases, while I wait for the little round magnets to arrive today.  I believe I will need more square bases to fully re-finish the prior tiles, but I will be doing those once I have fully tested…

  • True-Tiles – painting strategy

    I continue to produce the True-Tiles terrain, and although I have changed directions on the base pieces, the top pieces are just fine.  However, after my first batch, I realized that using Army Painter paints for the painting of this amount was not very cost effective – I nearly emptied my Dark Wash bottle, and…

  • True-Tiles Batch 1 painting

    Managed to take time to paint up the first set of True-Tiles, consisting of 10 doors, 4 flat tiles, 5 single wall tiles and 5 corner tiles.  Total time, about 4 hours.

  • True-Tiles – first batch

    Finished printing a first batch of True-Tiles from the demo set, and my project this week is to paint and drybrush them this week, so they are ready for our next Pathfinder game.  Set includes 5 corners, 5 single-wall sections, 4 field tiles, and 10 doors, which gives a decent start.  From here, I need…

  • True-Tiles

    First test batch of my intended choice for 3d terrain, for use with our gaming, just using the free sample files for now.  In this case, I have selected True-Tiles, I have liked the philosophy and design of the original foam-core pieces, and like that they have translated over to 3d printing easily.  I have…