Tag: Twilight Imperium

  • STL Library

    Haven’t posted in a bit, mainly due to lots of distractions. If you have been following the YouTube channel, I have been posting some content over there a bit more frequently as it applies to the videos. I am happy to say the channel continues to grow, though that isn’t the focus of this post.…

  • Channel Milestone

    We have reached another new milestone with the YouTube channel as we continue to add followers. With our recent focus on Star Wars Legion (and some RPG content), the subcriber count is growing steadily. As of today, we have hit 200 subscribers! My thanks to everyone who tunes in to see our adventures, and our…

  • Updates

    Seems I haven’t posted to the website in a few weeks, mainly due to scheduling conflicts, heavy workload, US holidays, etc. And more than a little impact is the more recent use of YouTube communities, and trying to reinforce our Patreon site. It feels repetitive to post similar topics to all such sites, and it…

  • Twilight Imperium 2021 results

    As planned, we held our first (hopefully annual) Twilight Imperium tournament on New Year’s Eve. Although we had planned to start at 2 PM, it was pushed back to 5 PM due to player availability. All 8 players battled long and hard into the night, with us wrapping up due to exhaustion at 5 AM…

  • Battle for Galactic Domination

    With the end of the year, a new tradition is attempting to be started, with a New Year’s Eve Twilight Imperium game. With a host of friends, some good food and decent drink, we are planning on a multi-hour game session of Twilight Imperium with the Prophecy of Kings supplement – allowing for 8 players…

  • Twilight Imperium

    Planning on holding another game session of Twilight Imperium, sometime over the Christmas holiday. What better way to celebrate the spirit of peace and joy of the holidays, than to fight over galactic domination. At this point, tentatively looking at the 28th or 29th due to scheduling, but will really depend on player availability. Potentially…

  • Return to regular gaming

    With October over, it brings with it a change in the seasons, and an end to sports activities with the kids – both Football and Marching Band are now completed. It also brings a more open schedule, allowing for more gaming, meaning a return to our regularly scheduled games. In particular, we have our ongoing…

  • Twilight Imperium

    After many weeks of planning, we finally held our big summer Twilight Imperium game session – a two day boardgame bonanza. Twilight Imperium (TI4) is something I have had on my shelf for a couple of years, but had only had the opportunity to play once, and then only partially. I had always wanted to…