Tag: vacation

  • Home improvements

    Enjoying a week off of work, to get some projects done around the house and spend time with the family. So far, most of the work has been in the backyard, cleaning up the weeds and bushes that have grown out of control, and re-applying mulch to large areas. Most of the work is unfortunately…

  • Vacation time

    Well before this Covid-19 pandemic, this weekend was scheduled to be a bit of a break from work. The wife and older son were going to be in Florida at Disney, and my younger son had our own plans. I had planned for next week to be a vacation from work, to get several projects…

  • Back to work

    Posting a bit late, since I have resumed work after a brief one week holiday.  Needless to say, my email is rather backlogged, with all the issues that came up while I was not watching. For the vacation, we had a good time – plenty of fun with the family, camping with the kids, and…

  • Gencon 2018

    Had a fun mini-vacation with the family over the weekend, attending Gencon this year.  We only went for the Sunday “family day”, mainly to save a bit on cost, but realized after the fact that that may just not be enough time any longer.  It used to be that a single day was enough to…

  • Unexpected events

    Managed to return home today, safe and sound, from our mini-vacation to Columbus Ohio and the zoo and waterpark.  Kids had a grand time, and certainly slept well last night (and will tonight).  Weather was very nice, not too warm, but nothing but sunshine – though the return trip turned into thunderstorms and rain showers. …

  • Family Time

    Enjoying the last few days of my vacation with the family, visiting the Columbus Zoo and Waterpark. Sun, fun, and family, without caring about work or other commitments. Will be home tomorrow, when I resume my Shadowrun campaign prep.

  • My credit card went on vacation

    Had a bit of excitement over the weekend, when I was notified that my credit card was being used in San Francisco to take Lyft trips.  Normally not a concern, except that I have not been to San Francisco in many years.  From what I can tell, during our recent trip to Disney World, our…

  • Back from vacation

    So there has been a noticeable drop in posting activity over the last couple of weeks, primarily because I spent the last couple of weeks with the family on vacation in Florida.  We spent the first part visiting Disney World, and the second half with the kids on a cruise with the grandparents, and my…