Tag: video

  • Fun with Plugins

    Spent some more time tinkering with plugins on my OctoPrint environment for the 3d Printer, and ended up loading a new plugin or two.  In particular, I added one called OctoLapse, which provides a much more consistent and stable timelapse for the printing.  Basically it enforces a standard location for each snapshot, and allows a…

  • Rise of the Runelords, Chapter 3, Part 8

    Finished another set, full video and details.  Available now on YouTube.  You can also catch the podcast audio version only, starting next week.

  • Podcasting

    For the past many months, I have been posting videos of our Pathfinder gaming sessions, and have had interest in expanding the scope to my other games.  However, one challenge that I have found is that although I have video capability, fundamentally it is all a static scene.  As such, the “video” aspect is very…

  • Rise of the Runelords, Chapter 3, part 7

    Finished the video earlier than typical this week, partially due to an abbreviated game session, and partially due to a long travel week for work.  And mainly because I made a focused effort to get it done early, so I can attempt my plans at painting miniatures this next week.

  • Pathfinder chapter 3.7

    Another round of Pathfinder, and another lengthy video and audio collection to edit.  This last game included an attempt to add in Fantasy Grounds to provide some visual aids to the group, which would have also allowed for some initiative graphics in the video – unfortunately my laptop plans fell apart at the start of…

  • Rise of the Runelords, Chapter 3.6

    Finally managed to finished editing the last game session, and actually have it published a day early on my schedule.  By the time this post goes live, it should be uploaded onto YouTube for viewing. As usual, if you are interested in any of the materials used, please use one of my affiliate links below…

  • Video editing

    Finally working on the latest round of Pathfinder videos, despite my chronic procrastination.  Unfortunately, it is a long process, so best case would be to finish the first video by tomorrow.  More than likely it will be Friday instead, or Saturday.  Then I have content from Zombicide to do as well, though that one isn’t…

  • The Crabcam

    A couple years ago, during our trip to Myrtle Beach, we adopted a collection of hermit crabs for the kids.  As these things happen, they became the pets of the wife instead, and over time, various things were added, including at one point a streaming webcam with the intent to record and review their nightly…