Tag: video

  • Time for some vacation

    Posts for the next couple of weeks may be a bit more sporadic, as I am finally taking some time off from work and my schedule for a vacation.  I will still be trying to post, or at least pre-post, but I honestly am going to try to think about computers as little as possible.…

  • Pathfinder video content

    Its taken a while with recent distractions, but I finally managed to finishing editing for content length the latest gaming video of our Rise of the Runelords game.  Still need to do another pass for graphic additions and perhaps sound, but almost there.  As a result though, today’s post was running a bit late –…

  • Video challenges

    Entering the world of YouTube video creation has been an interesting journey so far, with several challenges.  How to handle the stresses of posting regular videos, and handling the feedback associated.

  • Star Wars Armada – Fleet Ambush

    Finished the video for the latest Armada game, with a bit of scheduling difficulty.  500 points of Rebel vs Empire in a Fleet Ambush mission (Rebel’s being ambushed).  Video is up on YouTube already. As before, if you like the video, please click Like.  And if you are interested in more, please click that Subscribe…

  • Double-feature of videos

    The wife had a suggestion this last weekend that George and I attempt a game of Star Wars Armada before the regularly scheduled Pathfinder session – challenge accepted.  Unfortunately, this lead to a rather rushed Armada game, though both sides put up a valiant effort.  More troubling however is that this also means I have…