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Tag: Videos
Microphone stand
After reviewing a number of tutorials on YouTube video creation, I ended up ordering an Amazon branded microphone stand, as an impromptu camera stand. This is a cheap option, and my concern was its ability to support and handle the weight of a camera. It arrived, and after some testing, I am rather happy with…
Green Screen Magic
Part of my side activities includes being the Den Leader for a growing den of Webelos Cub Scouts. Our current activity involves making a movie, to demonstrate the traits of being a scout, an activity that the boys have eagerly been working on. The basic premise is simple, develop a script and film a short…
Microphone Shock Mount
If you ended up watching the Rise of the Runelords video from yesterday or listening to the podcast, first, thanks for being my limited audience. Second, you likely noticed a lot of background noise on the recording, mainly due to impact noise caused by movement on the table translating into the rather sensitive microphone. In…
3D Printing viewing
I doubt I had anyone actually bother to watch my 3d printer in action, and if you had, then you likely found that the performance was certainly lacking. As an alternative, I have now instead configured it to run through my YouTube Live channel, with a streaming option instead. This provides far better quality, which…
Video editing
Finally digging into my backlog of gaming videos and podcasts, in an effort to get back into the process. Managed to get thru about a third of the latest Runelords sessions, which sadly isn’t very much actual content (though a lot of raw footage). Trying a different approach this time, with zooming in on the…
Editing the videos
Spending more time on the editing process, this time for the latest Pathfinder video, and struggling to find a rhythm. As I have previously posted, for each hour of content, it seems to take about 3 hours of editing in order to pare it down to about 10 minutes of final material. For a 5…
Video process updates
A while ago I tried to document and post my process in editing and preparing video content, which of course was immediately obsoleted by myself changing said process. As such, I have revised the content, and now have it posted as a static page instead. The intent here is to update the page directly, as…
Active weekend
Lots of plans for this weekend, for what was supposed to have been relatively quiet. Fortunately, most are what I would consider fun activities, so not a big concern. Tonight we head down to the summer camp to visit my son, who has been at camp all week. Should be a good moral booster for…