Tag: Videos

  • Musical chairs

    Another improvement I am hoping to make, as a result of my gaming video effort, is potentially a shift in the placement of each player.  Naturally, everyone has a difference voice volume.  However, this makes it troublesome on the video audio, since some players are close to the microphone and loud, and others are far…

  • Video editing timing

    An unfortunate side effect of the effort to record our gaming sessions is the lengthy amount of time required for the editing of the video.  Initially, I was posting the videos in nearly raw format, which means the 5 hour session was posted as a 5 hour video, complete with all the sides conversations, distractions,…

  • Breaking the chain

    So I haven’t been that successful continuing my ongoing chain of postings recently, after missing yesterday’s deadline yet again.  The good news is the habit is strong enough to make me realize the miss, but not strong enough to keep me from avoiding it. In truth, I have been allowing myself to get rather distracted.…